SG Loans Lending dApp

This guide is intended for anyone who wants to test the SG Loans app. No prior knowledge of blockchain interactions is required for this.



The SG Loans app requires the use of a cryptocurrency wallet. If you do not already have a wallet such as MetaMask you will need to install the MetaMask wallet extension in your browser. MetaMask is a tool used to interact with decentralized applications such as the SG Loans app. It can store and transfer Ethereum and other tokens that can be used to pay loans, etc.

<aside> 💡 If you are using Chrome, click here to download MetaMask from the Chrome store.


<aside> 💡 If you are using Firefox, click here to download MetaMask from the Firefox Add-On store.



When you load the extension, you are required to:

<aside> ⚠️ For new MetaMask users: this is just for testing and when you follow these instructions you will be using ‘fake’ testnet tokens! Kindly do not in anyway use this newly created account to do Mainnet things.


Test Networks - Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet

You will be using the SG Loans App on an Ethereum Test Network. In MetaMask you can switch networks to a number of different networks. The one we will be using is the Rinkeby Test Network.

<aside> ⚠️ For existing MetaMask users: If you already use MetaMask on the Main Network but have not used it on a test net before, please be aware that mixing mainnet and testnet wallets can be a problem if you are not careful. For this reason it is a good idea to create a new Chrome or Firefox Profile specifically for testing. With a fresh Chrome profile you will be able to install MetaMask and keep it separated from your regular browser profile you use everyday. Create a new profile, install MetaMask and generate a new wallet. This is what you will use for testing on Rinkeby. Information on creating new browser profiles can be found here: FireFox Chrome:


Switching Networks

Click  test networks

Click Show/Hide test networks

Next, toggle the  to

Next, toggle the Show test networks to ON